Time & Location
Mar 11, 2024, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Sanctuary Imports, 822 Lamar Ave, Charlotte, NC 28204, USA
About the event
🌑🎏Join us in Sacred Circle to dive into watery Pisces, connecting with our empathy, compassion and desire to serve. Together we will meditate and open up to Unity Consciousness diving deep into our hearts to reach the Divine within and heal our perfectionistic tendencies. We will use those energies to feed and fuel our creativity, visualization and intentions.
💙Please bring a blanket or mat to making sitting and laying on the floor more comfortable. Bring your journal and water.
💙This is a love offering event, meaning payment is not required, you pay what you can! There is a $10 suggested donation that you can pay Autumn through paypal, venmo or directly in person!
Paypal – aaustin@aplacecalledthere.com
Venmo – @Autumn-Austin-10
💙Please arrive early to allow time for parking. Parking is limited, but available in the front or rear of the building. If you have mobility needs please contact us at 980.237.4780.