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Also known as a "Hag Torch" thesefolkloric tools are steeped in European magical traditions, particularly those tied to witchcraft and hedge-riding practices. Historically, it is believed to have been used as a guiding light for witches traversing between the physical world and the spirit realm. Crafted from natural materials, the torch was often set alight during rituals, spells, or ceremonies to illuminate liminal spaces and aid in contacting spirits or deities.


In contemporary witchcraft and spiritual practices, hag torches have been reimagined as symbolic tools rather than purely functional fire sources. They are crafted and used with intention, often tailored to the practitioner's specific needs or rituals.


  • Guidance in Shadow Work: Use a mullin torche to "light the way" during introspective work, uncovering hidden truths or navigating emotional depths.
  • Ceremonial Lighting: They are used to open or close rituals, providing a symbolic flame to connect with ancestors, spirits, or deities.
  • Protection and Cleansing: Similar to smoke clearing, mullin torches can be burned to purify spaces or ward off negative energies.
  • Seasonal Celebrations: Hag torches are sometimes crafted and burned during Sabbats, such as Samhain or Imbolc, symbolizing the spark of life, transformation, or the thinning of the veil.

Mullin Torch


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