Written by Nikki Aggarwall of Loving Light 11.
The Tarot card for the month of January 2025 is…
The 5 of Cups!
At first glance, this card can make us feel loss, grief, or despair as we reflect on unfulfilled plans, dreams not yet reached, or relationships that have not met their potential. However, this card also carries with it an undercurrent of hope and forward progress, if
you can open your eyes and mind to see and receive those messages.
In other words, even with loss, there is always something to be gained; maybe even a new
understanding about life or yourself. Where plans, goals, or dreams did not play out as we planned, or if they seem too far out of reach, there is still the bridge there for us to walk across towards a new potential, IF we choose to take advantage of it.
And so, even though the first glace of this card may feel disempowering and forlorn, a
deeper inspection gives a different perspective of hope, potential, and empowerment.
What do we interpret all of that to mean?
You get to choose your perspective!
Even though bad things happen and must be dealt with in this journey called life, where do you place your focus? Do you cast blame to the universe for giving you a bad deal and wonder “Why me?” This behavior comes from the wounded victim that lives inside of us all. When we fall into that behavior, what we must remember is that we get to choose whether we give that part of us our attention or not. We can choose a different perspective! Instead of blaming the universe for a bad deal, can you embody the sovereign hero inside, cut your losses as quickly as possible, and accept what is without giving your power away to the wounded victim? Can you instead focus on moving forward one step at a time towards that new beginning that you have secretly desired for so long but that you wouldn’t let yourself think about because your attention was so wrapped up in what was lost?
This card is very relevant at the turn of a new year.
We get to ask ourselves: will we carry the baggage of 2024 into 2025, or will we drop it
like it’s hot and break away into new horizons? Will we take advantage of the new
opportunities that 2025 brings us, or will we obsess about what was lost in 2024?
What do you choose?
Nikki is a life-long intuitive and the founder of Loving Light 11, LLC. Though she was born open and aware, life’s challenges led her to set her intuitive gifts aside. Answering her soul’s call for greater clarity, sovereignty, and wholeness, Nikki began a transformational journey of self-discovery that she continues to walk each day. Believing that perfection is a barrier to growth, Nikki encourages others to embrace their authentic selves in every moment. You can find Nikki reading tarot at Sanctuary Imports every Friday! Book an in-store Tarot or numerology reading here!